Pilgrimage in the pouring rain

Date of publication:
17 October 2013
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May 31 at Calvary hill once met 62 men and youths on the annual pilgrimage stateful. In the pouring rain to the shrine of Our Lady of Social Justice and Charity came about one hundred thousand.
Holy Mass for the thirty-chaired by Cardinal. Franciszek Macharski, Piekary arrived, amongst others, Cardinal. Stanislaw Dziwisz, Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu of Zambia and the Italian politician, prof. Rocco Buttiglione. Pilgrims were welcomed by Metropolitan of Katowice, Archbishop Damian Zimoń. In his speech, called for defending the family against today's threats, pointing out that this is the only community conceived by God.
- Do not manipulate the family - said the Metropolitan of Katowice-It is hard to believe that serious people speculate so merciless attack on the family. Who have sold their knowledge, ability, heart? Did anything they did not teach the history of mankind, or do not know that totalitarian regimes past two centuries, mainly attacking his family. Do not understand that using the wrong, you can not build any good? - He asked.
In his homily, Bishop of Bielsko-Żywiec Tadeusz Rakoczy, alluded to the words of John Paul II, the family built on the grace and love, open to the gift of life, brings with it the future of society and the Church.
- The future of civilization is not possible without my family, civilization and stability of nations depends primarily on the status of their families. I only guarantee the continuity of the family and the future of the whole human race - he said.
He also referred to the economic crisis which has affected the world economy.
- Everywhere one hears about the economic crisis, but little attention is the deepening crisis of the family, both material and moral. It causes the one hand, the image of God, on the other is the cause of many miseries and evil among men. (...) In defense of the family is necessary to engage state and local authorities, international organizations. (...) A society that does not respect the family, no future, and the parties who can not see its problems, are not worthy of public trust, "said Bishop Rakoczy.

This year's pilgrims accompanied the World Youth Day Cross, handed the young in 1984 by Pope John Paul II. It will peregrynował in May and June after 39 Polish dioceses. After the mass, with a special program, "Santo Subito" there is a chorus and orchestra Song and Dance Ensemble "Śląsk".

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Source: www.piekary.pl

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