Certificate POT Nests Trail, and Internet users vote!

Date of publication:
17 October 2013
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Last week in Warsaw took place the International Tourist Fair TT Warsaw. It was the eighteenth edition of the show, which took place during the gala ceremony of Certificates of Polish Tourist Organization.
gosilesia.pl - Silesian Voivodeship
Certificate of Best Product of the Polish Tourism Organization is an award for exceptional tourist attractions in Poland. Granted it is only an innovative and friendly to tourists places, objects, events and ventures pursued at the regional and local levels.
The certificate is a guarantee of recommendations and opportunities in an exceptional way to spend free time in Poland, ie the survival of many unforgettable experiences of cultural, entertainment and recreation and adventure.

This year, Silesia represented by two products of Interest: MTB Beskydy and the Eagles' Nests Trail. The group of winners in previous years and Monuments Route Festival, Taste of Silesia, joined the Eagles' Nests Trail.
Certificate of Distinction in the form of POT has received personally by Robert Nieroda - Head, Union of the Jurassic.

In addition to the Eagles' Nests Trail were awarded the following travel products:
Voivodship: Ski cyclical event "Piast Race"
Kuyavian-Pomeranian: Planetarium. Wladyslaw Dziewulskiego in Torun
Lubelskie Province: Path of the Iron and Kowalski Tradition
Lubuskie: Nadodrzańska Adventure
Małopolska: Małopolska village smelling of herbs
Punjab Province: Team Factory in historic sediment Zyrardow
Opolskie province: JuraPark Krasiejów
Podkarpackie Province: Extremely Extreme Vacation
Warmia and Mazury: XL International Festival of Traditional Jazz - Old Jazz Meeting - Golden Washboard - Iława

He started the contest for the best tourism product in 2010 y the Internet voting, whose partner is the Polish National Tourist Office. Participation in the vote could be taken by visiting: www.produkt-tourist-2010.otowakacje.pl . Voting continues until 17 October 2010

The winning entry will be awarded the Tourism Product web advertising campaign with a value of 50 thousand zł, carried out on sites Allegro Group. On the voting members will receive attractive prizes!
We invite you to vote for the Eagles Nests Trail!

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