"Guido" Coal Mine

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Underground adventure

The unique in Europe, established in 1855, mine, which after the completion of exploitation served as a drainage point and an experimental mine. Through the pit shaft tourists go down to the levels of 170 and 320 meters. On the latter there is one of the deepest tourist route in a coal mine in Europe. Apart from visiting opportunities, the mine provides artistic sensations. Its flagship products include, among others, Muzyka na Poziomie (Music on the Level) and Teatr na Poziomie (Theatre on the Level) - periodically held artistic events benefiting from the exceptional atmosphere of the underground chambers. At the level 320 there is also the most deeply located post office and impressive pub.

Guido Mine (source: The Museum of Coal Mining)



The Dark of the Mine is the journey to deepest and rawest regions of Guido Coal Mine. The tour guide will take you to 355 level and the last active longwall, mined in the second half of the 20th century. You will see the coal mine preserved in the state it was left by miners over twenty years ago.


Historical background

This historic mine has been in existence for 155 years. This is the place where not only miners but also horses worked. Animals lived for many years in specially arranged underground stables at the level of 170 and 320 m. The total length of all underground excavations, both vertical and horizontal, amounts to nearly 3000 meters. The name of the mine - “Guido” - derives from the great industrialist, millionaire and advisor of the king of Prussia, prince Guido Henkel von Donnersmarck. In the mine there is the most deeply located post office in Europe, and maybe even in the world. 87 years ago in “Guido” an exceptional miner worked for some time - cutter Abdul Achmed. As it was revealed later, he was the great-grand son of the Persian emperor who sent him to Silesia so that he could get to know the hardships of miners’ work. Mine superiors praised him for good work.

Views:  15115

St 3 Maja 93
41-800 Zabrze
Commune: Zabrze
County: Zabrze

Tourist region: 
Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolia
New location type: 
W mieście
Cultural heritage

General information:
Object type:  Technika, nauka…

Availability All year round

W poniedziałek trasy turystyczne są nieczynne dla zwiedzających.

Rezerwacja: poniedziałek- niedziela: 8.30 - 21.00 https://bilety.kopalniaguido.pl/



rezerwacja: poniedziałek- niedziela: 8.30 - 19.30 (kasa) https://kopalniaguido.pl/index.php/rezerwacje
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