"Ignacy" Historic Mine

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Industrial traditions of Rybnik date back to the 17th century when the Cistercians from the neighbouring Rudy opened a few steel plants along the Ruda River. A rapid development of industry took place in the middle of the 19th century when coal mines were opened in the vicinity and the city was provided with a railway line (1856). In the district of Niewiadom a complex of buildings of the former “Hoym” mine has been preserved, which was opened in 1792 - (since 1936 - “Ignacy”) with shafts “Oppburg” (“Głowacki”) and “Grundmann” (“Kościuszko”), two hoisting machines from 1900 and 1920 and auxiliary buildings. An attraction of the mine is the possibility of entering a vantage point in the 46-meter tall former water tower from which a vast panorama of the land of Rybnik stretches.

Route chronicle

222 years ago, the Prussian minister of the Silesian province, Karol Jerzy von Hoym, established the Royal Office of Mining and Metallurgy in Rybnik. On his order, geological surveys were commenced in the area of Rybnik, which resulted in the discovery of very rich coal deposits. The ultimate consequence of these operations was the founding of a mine, which was named “Hoym” in his honour. At that time it was the only state mine in the area of Rybnik. 175 years ago the mine changed its status - from state-owned, into miners-owned. It was sold then to the miners of the “Sylwester” mine from Rydułtowy. In subsequent years there were a few consolidations, and the most important one was the incorporation of the “Laura” mine. 74 years ago there was a significant change - the mine altered its name into “Ignacy”. It was done in honour of the president of the Republic of Poland at that time - Ignacy Mościcki.

Views:  2024

St Ignacego Mościckiego 3
44-273 Rybnik
Commune: Rybnik
County: Rybnik

Tourist region: 
Śląsk, Kraina Górnej Odry
New location type: 
W mieście
Cultural heritage

Main Phone: +48 324 407 921
Secondary Phone: +48 324 407 925

General information:
Availability All year round

Od poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach od 8:00 do 16:00.

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Rate: 4.3 (12 votes were given)
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1.67 km
2.00 km
Zakwaterowanie w pobliżu
2.02 km
3.94 km
4.21 km
Wodzisław Śląski
4.91 km
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1.60 km
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