Dzień pełen życia
Świątek, piątek i niedziela czyli jak wyglądało codzienne życie naszych dziadków.
  • 1
    Museum of Sanitary Technology
  • 2
    Artistic Casting Department
  • 3
    Museum of the Silesian Press
  • 4
    Museum of Ustroń
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Świątek, piątek i niedziela czyli jak wyglądało codzienne życie naszych dziadków. Grupa obiektów Szlaku Zabytków Techniki koncentrujących się na różnych wymiarach codzienności sprzed lat. To niepowtarzalna okazja by dotknąć i zrozumieć jak żyło się dawniej. Propozycja ta zaspokoi ciekawość wszystkich kochających powroty do przeszłości.

Na trasie znajdują się następujące obiekty Szlaku Zabytków Techniki Muzeum Techniki Sanitarnej, Muzeum w Gliwicach - Oddział Odlewnictwa Artystycznego, Muzeum Prasy Śląskiej im. Wojciecha Korfantego, Muzeum Ustrońskie im. Jana Jarockiego.

Date added: 24.10.2013
Objects on the trail
"The Museum of Sanitary Technology is the youngest museum in Gliwice. It was founded in 2005. It is located within premises of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant, which until recently, was not a tourist attraction. In the renovated and stylish building of the pumping stations from the beginning of the last century, one can see some old sewage treatment equipment and a few decade old sanitary fittings, and afterwards, we can take a tour of the still operating plant, built for the twenty first century."
"The Artistic Casting Department of the Gliwice Museum one of the most modern museums in Poland. It is housed in the former engine room of the Coal Mine ""Gliwice"". Visitors can learn about the history of the Royal Iron Foundry, as well as about a rich collection of art castings. Mirosław Nizio, a designer of the Warsaw Uprising Museum, has designed and arranged a multimedia exhibition entitled ""Rightly famous is Gliwice, today”."
"Piastowska Street is the main promenade in Pszczyna. It is mostly lined with buildings from the nineteenth and twentieth century. However, the most conspicuous house is a small tenement, roofed with shingles. It was built in the eighteenth century and now houses an extraordinary institution – the Wojciech Korfanty Museum of the Silesian Press. It collects Silesian prints, antique printing machinery and equipment. The museum recreates Wojciech Korfanty’s editorial office. On the first floor, “the Chamber of Telemann” can be found."
"In 2008, after 236 years of continuous operation, the Ustroń Forge was shut down. Health resort qualities prevailed over the industry. Currently, the traditions of Ustroń metallurgy and forging are displayed in the Ustroń Museum, located in the former administration building of the steel plant ""Klemens"". The museum strives to serve as a cultural center, so apart from exhibitions, it publishes books, organizes jubilee celebrations, meetings and concerts, promoting artists from Ustroń.